
The Life and Teachings of Jesus is a great place to get familiar with the Man of Jesus. Once you’ve finished it we encourage you to get a Bible and begin reading and studying it. A good place to begin reading and studying the Bible is the New Testament. We have found that the NIV Study Bible by Zondervan is easy to read and understand. That said, it includes explanations and commentaries of the Scriptures. The comments and commentary by Zondervan are very helpful for understanding the context of the Scriptures and additional insights from God’s word.
Look for a Church and ask what they believe: This will ensure that what they are teaching at the church aligns with God’s Word and the Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Below are some key areas that you should inquire about while picking a church to attend and be a part of.
find a jesus plus nothing church
- We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It’s completely true and contains all we need in order to know and walk with God.
- We believe in one God who eternally exists in three persons. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, perfectly holy, sovereign, and good.
- We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He is fully man and fully God, the one and only Lord and Savior, who died for our sins and was raised on the third day.
- We believe that salvation comes by grace through faith in Christ. It is a free gift for all who repent and believe; it’s impossible to earn, but it will completely transform our life and eternity.
- We believe in the Church. God designed His people to be gathered into churches who care for each other, grow more like Jesus, and make disciples among all nations.
- We believe that Jesus is coming back. He will return to judge the living and the dead, condemning those who reject Him to perish, but rewarding His followers with eternal life.
- We believe Heaven and Hell are real. Hell is the eternal, horrifying destination for all who turn from Jesus, and Heaven is the eternal, satisfying home of God with all who trust in Jesus.
We believe that a true relationship with Jesus is built and grown from reading and studying Gods word, the Bible and Praying.
Praying is a key part to growing a relationship with Jesus, getting closer to Him and knowing His heart. Praying is as simple as having a transparent, truthful conversation with Him from your heart. Speaking to Him like you would your best friend or significant other. Jesus loves to hear your heart and He knows your heart. Communicating to Him brings you closer to Jesus. A prayer can be a short statement, thought or question to Him throughout your day or a structured time you have set aside to intentionally to get closer to Him. If you have never set aside time for an intentional structured prayer time- we recommend trying it! This will bear lots of fruit in your life and relationship with Him.
One helpful example of a structured prayer is the following: (you can do 1 minute in each category or 20 minutes in each, whatever your comfortable with).
1. Pray about your adoration to Him.
Adoration: deep love and respect.
2. Pray about your confessions to Him.
Confession: a formal statement admitting that one is guilty and asking for forgiveness.
3. Pray for your Thanksgiving to Him.
Thanksgiving: a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness, a prayer expressing gratitude.
4. Pray for supplication to Him (your needs, prayer requests for you friends, family etc.).
Supplication: the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly.
5. Quiet time – listening for His voice or movement in your heart with zero distractions.
1. The Passion of the Christ
2. The Chosen Series
3. The Case for Christ
4. I Can Only Imagine