
The Life
and Teachings
of Jesus
of Nazareth
a small book with a big impact.
ten million
our phase 1 goal is to print, ship and distribute 10 million copies of The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth free of charge to people throughout the world.
distribution map
Help us turn the map red. For the protection of those bringing the gospel into sensitive areas, many countries are not represented on the map.
Plus Nothing distributes to individuals and evangelists, as well as to groups of people at churches, nonprofits, for-profit businesses, prison ministries, emergency response departments, U.S. military establishments, outreach centers, crisis response organizations and many more.
get involved
order your copies
Order free copies for yourself and to give away to others totally free of charge.
pay it forward
A donation in any amount helps us print and distribute more copies, to more people, in more places.
share your story
Tell us how The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth has impacted and changed your life.
get connected
Now that you’ve learned who Jesus was and is today, a great next step is to get connected to a church.
behind the curtain
We are a collective of friends whose lives have been transformed by The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. So much so, that we created Plus Nothing, a faith-based nonprofit organization determined to get The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth in as many people’s hands as possible. Our prayer is that you discover Jesus and the transformative power He brings when you commit your life to Him.